I built a personal website & blog
And now I want to rebuild it...
Reflecting on how this project has helped me, and what I've learnt from this project after leaving it alone for a year, the good and bad and the mistakes.

You can find me dumping my brain out here in my blog, mostly musings about web development and things I've learnt on my coding journey, but also about cool places for eating and traveling, rambling about random Japan stuff.
And now I want to rebuild it...
Reflecting on how this project has helped me, and what I've learnt from this project after leaving it alone for a year, the good and bad and the mistakes.
Useful Next.js code snippets
Use <Link> instead of <a> tag for seamless navigation between pages
Some quick examples of how to use the new ES6 arrow function syntax to replace function()
Introductory post to my first personal site
I finally made it! This personal portfolio/blog site has been an ongoing project for me since early/mid-2022. Its finally up on the web as of January 2023!